3. Stain smears in Wright-Giemsa Stain Solution for 1 minute. 4. Rinse smears in Phosphate Buffer pH 6.6 solution (Catalog #89032) for 5 minutes – do not agitate slide. 5. Rinse smears briefly in running deionized water (5-6 dips). 6. Air dry smears. 7. Examine smears under a …

Thermo Scientific ™ Richard-Allan Scientific Buffered Wright Stain is a single solution stain that contains the fixative, buffer and stain for rapid and convenient staining of blood smears. 1. Thoroughly dry blood or bone marrow smears. Inadequately dried slides may result in cells sloughing off of Thermo Scientific Richard-Allan Scientific Wright-Giemsa 3. Stain smears in Wright-Giemsa Stain Solution for 1 minute. 4. Rinse smears in Phosphate Buffer pH 6.6 solution (Catalog #89032) for 5 minutes – do not agitate slide. 5. Rinse smears briefly in running deionized water (5-6 dips). 6. Air dry smears. 7. Examine smears under a … Material Safety Data Sheet - fscimage.fishersci.com MSDS Name: Wright & Wright Giemsa Stain Buffer (Ames Hematek I & II Wright & Wright Giemsa) Catalog Numbers: 23036221B, 55950B, 55952B, 55954B, 55956B Synonyms: None. Company Identification: Fisher Diagnostics Fisher Scientific Company, LLC 8365 Valley Pike Thermo Scientific Richard-Allan Scientific Buffered Wright

Rapid and Inexpensive Method of Diluting Giemsa Stain for

Hematology Stain, Solution B, Thiazine (Wescor) Azer

Wright's stain is a hematologic stain that facilitates the differentiation of blood cell types. It is classically a mixture of eosin (red) and methylene blue dyes. It is used primarily to stain peripheral blood smears, urine samples, and bone marrow aspirates, which are examined under a light microscope.

Features. Wright Stain, Modified (0.3%, buffered at pH 6.8 in methanol) For differentially staining cellular elements of blood For dip, rack, and batch staining techniques